Pimp That Muse! is an examination of creativity. From its name, you will have surmised that the tone will be whimsical, playful, and juicily abundant. And you are right.
Your muse is your very own genius, experience, energy; the way they twine and combine. You know that no two creators are the same, but consider, if you will, that the same artist may entertain more than one muse (most amusing).
From where does the muse hail? Many different loci spring to mind: the quotidian, dreams, sound-color-space, political events, social interactions, nature, nurture, sensual experience, mythology...and places sans name--yet intimate from the first footfall.
Adventure, tryst, ecstatic dance -- with its push and pulsating rhythms -- red wine, smoke, fire, silk, friction, rhyme, drum beat, sighs, have all summoned the muse. So has silence. Memory. Imagination. Inner vision. And the all-consuming desire...to redress a wrong. Since Homo sapiens first scratched upon cave walls, moved around fire, and brought fourth life, the merging of ceremony, art, and beauty is intrinsic to who we are as a species.
Pimp That Muse! is a space. A place to examine your inner calling and its outer manifestation within the context of our social order.
Connections fan out from creation, meditation, and making and sharing your art. The work. Calling: "Yo!" I said, "Yo, come out-n-play!"
This is.
For you.
Dialogue, community, caring, courage, and encouragement.
Now, Pimp That Muse!