Monday, August 6, 2012


The individual who contributes the information, the words, ideas, photographs, videos, songs, lectures, dance, drawings, paintings, comedy, monologue, impressions -- is known as the "content provider"?

FRIGGIN' CONTENT PROVIDER? When did artists --the role of bard, master, artist, artisan, creator, genius, entertainer, royal court jester, musician, comedian, lecturer, videographer, choreographer, and all around Play Thing of the Muse...devolve into content provider? Do you fully understand how low-rent that sounds? Now normally I'm all about the low-rent, the low road, the easy ride. But damn it, this is art!

And while this may sound like a rhetorical question, it is anything but -- Arise, oh great...whatever the heck you are, and name and claim your glory!

Completing this "blog" post (and don't get me started on "blog" -- I know that it stands for bulletin/log, but it sounds like something the cat coughed up), I must refresh myself. I have habits, I have needs!

I shall conclude by bastardizing the film The Elephant Man, where the hero is a hideous-looking creature whose blighted countenance hides a noble soul, I, too, take the stand that I -- and those of my ilk -- are so very much more than I/we appear. I am a not a content provider, I am creator (damn it!).

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